Tuesday, 26 February 2008


Human pressure over nature may be the end of a civilization. Our towns are getting larger and larger, today's villages are living a low moment. Their inhabitants leave for the towns looking for a more comfortable life, which is understandable, but it means a completely different lifestyle.
We are over-using natural resources, water for example. And the revolution that could make the big difference is far away.
Severe droughts and abuse empty our water reservoirs. El Burguillo in the South of Ávila is getting smaller and smaller. However, cars go on crossing the bridge.
How long will it last?

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Goodbye, hello!

Bucharest will be waiting for you all in May. Since you will see, discover and learn everything first hand, it seems pointless describing it here.
Welcome and goodbye.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Can you feel it?

Can you feel the spring approaching?
After a "serious", gray and snowy winter, unlike the last one, we are out of patience. Every echo, every warm breeze, every sun-ray is a promise that nature will soon come back to life. And so shall we. Frost will soon be in the past. Birds will be back from South telling us how they had missed us. And our students will be restless and ...in love.
Let's open our hearts and our windows as wide as we can!
Enjoy this ever-new spring!