Furry smiles
This is what I find irresistibly funny in her. Sorry if it's getting boring!
(The videos have no sound.)
This is what I find irresistibly funny in her. Sorry if it's getting boring!
(The videos have no sound.)
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Etiquetas: creatures
Of course, nothing to compare with your Frodo. But Samurai is on his way to Bucharest. I hope he can find your house. It is not very demanding. he just stays where you want: on your jacket, on your coat, on your curtains. No problem with him. For a Japanese Samurai cat, born in Ávila and taken to Bucharest, it might be a bit difficult to adapt. Hope you can take care of him too. Have a smile!
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Etiquetas: creatures
We woke up early this morning to see the view of our streets covered with snow and it kept snowing for an hour more or so.
Fountains, pools were frozen at midday. But at that time, the sun was already high and the morning became one of this typical cold sunny days in Ávila.
Wonderful to have a walk inside and outside the Walls. And this is what I did. Walking and letting my thought travel through time and wish.
May my wishes come true for you too.
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A game of light and shadows allows the sight to imagine the geometry in constructions and the power of a bright sun leaves part of the old church in a dream.
Our eyes not always see the same. I may have gone past this gate on The Walls thousands of times and it was only yesterday when I read both the boards. Ironic for a vegetarian that one of the walks I enjoy the most is also called Rastro de la Carne. Meat. And of course the name is logical. The valley beyond produces the best meat in the province and of course, this gate would have been the entrance, in ancient times, for meat.
However if our intention is to percceive beauty, even our common eyes can discover the last colours of a glorious winter evening.
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A crazy creature in my place: I have never seen such energy. Every microscopic thread is a toy, every closet left open is a new land, every shelf is a stair. She runs and plays for hours, then she drops down like dead, but only for a short while. She jumps like a flying squirrel, stands up like a ground squirrel, tried to persuade us for half a night she should sleep in our bed, while we tried to persuade her she should sleep in her basket. We thought she got it and went to sleep, just to wake up minutes later because she was snoring by my pillow. She tries very hard to suckle on my palm, runs on the keyboard, hunts the computer mouse and the cursor, then looks behind the monitor to see where it went. She adores Age of Empires, she knows goodies come from the fridge and is a potty expert. When she is apprehensive, she steps on the same spot over and over....OK, this is getting far too long for such a tiny topic!
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Etiquetas: Small things