Thursday, 29 May 2008

Together (2)

I can't have enough of these pictures of the students together. I know some of them will never hear from each other and others did not go along so well, but some really became friends. Even since they have first met.
I am really happy that his project made such a thing possible: friends that live over 2000 kilometers apart, that would have probably never met if it wasn't for this.
And I'm as proud of this achievement as I am of all the nice materials and the elaborated technical aspects the project has altogether, because 20 years from now, all this will be forgotten, while at least two people will tenderly remember a teenage friendship and things they learned together .
I'm really proud of this.
Is this too sentimental?

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Love from Moeciu

The green grass, the smell of hay in summer, the sun, the rain, the mountains, the cottages, the the peace, the people. All this will still be here. If you ever come again.
You'll be welcome anytime.

Jewels 3

Beyond the window at Bran castle.

A beautiful wardrobe, although a bit small for our students.

Wardrobe and door.

Exhibition with photo.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008


These are the funniest of the photos (so far). Here you are:

At the Bran Castle.Could it be...HIM? Dracula? Brrr...!

Look at what they were doing while we were sleeping peacefully. Having a pyjama party.

Poor tortured students! Do you suppose this is worse than a Maths class?


I believe in working together, I think it can bring people closer. If, even for a short time, they look in the same direction, have the same aim, a bond is created.
This is why I liked these photos from the workshop very much, especially since I was not there to see the students at work.
I almost envy them a bit.

Jewels 2

A door bell at Peles Castle.

A small window at Sinaia Monastery.

A side door at the Black Church in Brasov.

A view from the Citadel.

The countryside at Moeciu.


An Orthodox Church entrance

A different view.

The top arch.

A music kiosk-

A croos-road sign at the Village Museum-

Monday, 26 May 2008


You know this place, it's the terrace at the House of People. Showing what we have tried to offer you all: a perspective on our place, on our life. The sounds are nice too. The voices of students and teachers, in English, then French and, at the end, a clear girl's voice saying in Romanian :"Ce frumos e!" (How nice this is!)
Time and distance put things into perspective. Now, that impressions are coagulating, I 'd really like to know what you liked: the best places, the best moments, if you can take a few minutes for that. I'd like to ask this to all of guests...
Come again!

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Bine ati venit

You may have heard me say it before: Dancing and singing together is the beginning of collaborative work. and it is true. Watching and hearing the small children in your school was like an attention call.
They were opposite us, at the same level, no upper stage to perform. And they were so nice and confident that one could feel their enthusiam.
May they go on like it. Adding efforts to make great tasks.
It was really touching. The Place YOU Live In has many good moments. Don't miss them.
Thank you for the warmth you gave us.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Our Place Is Your Place

It was both a joy and an honour having you all here. We have been waiting for you impatiently and the visit was much too short. We shared with you our sunny and rainy days, our past and our present, our history and our traditions, our food and our songs, the good and the not-so-good in our every-day life. Thank you.
There are stories waiting to be told here, but right now memories and emotions have to decant.
Please keep in mind that our door will always be open, there will always be bread and salt on our table for you.
Our place is your place.
See you soon.

Friday, 16 May 2008

Welcome to Bucharest!

The School no. 92 team is sending you all a warm welcome to our town, our school and our homes! We are looking forward to sharing with you THE PLACE WE LIVE IN.

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Her Majesty, the Culture

This is the poster promoting a cultural pro-reading project called: "Writers on the Royal Route". It will take place between May 9th and May 15th, on the occasion of th 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Romanian Writers' Society.
The project's main activity is carried on by 45 of the best writers and poets in our country, winners of international literature prizes. They will travel by the Royal train, built in 1927, starting from Bucharest, to 5 other towns in the country: Iasi, Suceava, Alba Iulia, Sibiu, Medias, performing reading sessions and donating books, in order to establish a reading corner in those train stations. After that, a DVD, a book and other materials with their readings will be made and distributed to libraries.
The project team hopes to have the same kind of tour next year, in the capitals of the neighbouring countries.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Another Time

This is the time we have at the same moment your clock looks like it does in the previous post.
Actually, I cheated. I saw it too late and I had to wait for 12 hours to get the right moment.
Two clocks are not nearly enough, but all of you live in the same time. We're the only ones with a different one..... So, there would be no other clock version, anyway.
Have a Sunday as pink as this clock!

The time where you live in..

What time is it The Place you Live In?

You may not read it right very moment. So, the entry has no meaning. But even so, it is a curiosity. There will only be two clocks, I know. However, it's enough.
Good Saturday!

Friday, 9 May 2008

Spring Day. ( New Europeans)

What is the meaning of "European"? What's "Europe"?
Difficult questions in a changing world where our neighbours are not from our village, the smells from their kitchen are spicer, their music sounds differently, their prayers do not meet ours, their languages have new waves. Yet, their most beautiful words mean feelings, like ours.
Yes, something must change because we are and move much more.
For the School Day, we had a multicultural activity: Building Multicultural Bridges. It dealt with the way we cook. Inmigrant students were encouraged to join a Cooking exhibition and show their most typical food. We had students from many countries: Marrocco, Colombia, Equator, Dominican Republique, Bulgaria, Romania, Peru, Somalia, France, Germany.
Only four foreign students joined the activity: two girls from Morrocco, a girl from Colombia and a boy from Colombia.
Everybody had a collaboration prize. Here we have Ikram greeting the headmaster when she got her prize.

Jeison, the Colombian boy, is explaining the people around how long he had been in Spain, how he felt, how to cook his meat cake.

A very smiling Jeison that feels happy to be one among the others.

Latifa is getting his price. She got the prize for the best course. A deserved prize!.

Mourat won in sports together with a Spanish boy.

I missed my Romanian students but there was a family wedding and they had many relatives at home.
But I liked the this kind of infection. I liked watching these kids feeling accepted, admired and loved.
I wish everything would go on like it.
Happy spring Day.

Europe Day

You know this photo: it represents our students during the first visit to Avila.
I thought it was perfect for this occasion: a circle, equality, diversity and togetherness, everything this kind of project should stand for.
I also like it because it brings back the enthusiasm, the hopes and the illusions of the beginning.

Happy Europe Day from the newest Europeans in this project!

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Stormy spring

A couple of days ago, just in the middle of the evening, there was a storm. The sky became grey little by little and after wards, just in a minute, a river of water started coming down. At the beginning, it was a delicate curtain of rain. Then, drops grew and grew. Water over the leaves, water over the windows, water over water. A continous noise that soacked the evening.
Now, temperatures have dropped quite a lot. Late winter days are here again.

Beyond the plant on the window, there's nothing but noisy rain.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008


Copyright: badorgood

May is a fertile month, a month of transition to summer and when the crops’ future is decided.

There are many sayings and proverbs connected to the month of May: “Frumos ca luna mai” (As handsome as the month of May), “Mai e Rai” (May is Heaven), but the best known one is “Ploaie-n mai, avem malai.” ( Rain in May, we’ll have corn flour).

This one made me think of folk meteorology, specifically of beliefs connected to rain.

There are lots of predictions made on rain, starting with its duration (depending on the day it starts, for example the one starting on Monday will last a week, on Thursday- two weeks) and most of all concerning its signs and causes, because an accurate weather forecast has always been so important, especially for agriculture.

Here are some signs predicting the rain: bright halos around the sun or the moon, morning clouds in the East, clouds at moon-rise, the Morning Star is dim or the Milky Way is very bright, a morning rainbow. And some human or animal behaviour that announces or even causes it: if the pig is retslessly walking around carrying straws in his snout, if the hens are not asleep at nightfall, it means rain is very close. If one pulls out grass and weeds using his hands this might cause rain, and if one eats directly from the pot, this will bring hm/her a rainy wedding day. This last one is not entirely true…

So, if you are looking for a weather forecast for the visit here, you know what to do.

And don’t forget that after a rainy day, there is always a rainbow and lots of sunshine!