A good thought from Sevilla to one of the places I like and to its people. Greetings from Plaza de Espagna.
You are right, it´s a beautiful place! I woke up very early and had time for a walk. Still cannot use the room connection.
Got to go now. I´m very nervous!
Wish me "Bafta!".
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Etiquetas: Gifts, The Place YOU Live In
You did not! :)))
This is not fair! Anyway, I did, but I was not drinking and I was not sneezing. I don't know any longer when to use Bafta and sa fie.
A pity, I'm so stupid.
OK, I´m telling you one more time, next time I will have to mark you. It´s Bafta and you answer "sa fie!" before exams etc. And it´s "noroc" when you sneeze or drink. I must be a lousy teacher, I made you confused. Must be my fault.
I have lots of photos, but i will post some at home, it´s down to one computer for the whole hotel here and I have to queue. Very few can have room connection.
Hey, my project is good anyway, but not for the first place, the second place is less stressing than the first, this is the best result.I´m going to eat.
We were told today we have to presnt the project in a workshop for 30 minutes at least. Why not earlier? but i have a Prezi thing with me, so it´s OK.
Really, thanks for talking to me these days, it was a big help.
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