This is just a slideshow for here, to give you an idea. There were more
things : videos, songs etc.
I will make a common video with ours and the Italian activity, next week
if I can. It was a joint event.
I'll show you when it's ready.
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whenever I see events like this one I think students will work provided there is a good teacher behind them. You are the good teacher by their side. Congratulations! I'll be looking forward to the joint Italian-Romanian activity.
Great work, Irina. Kids looked so serious that it is almost impossible see them hugging and kissing. their faces looked so interested that the other activities must be also very exciting.
Thank you very much. This comment is like a prize, but I am not the only one to take credit, the idea was mine but another colleague helped a lot. I am so glad that I can work in a team here and that I found people open to such things, even if some are new to them. It kind of makes up for the silly things kids do.
Taking the morning off and going to the park- we deserve it and the world will not end if we rest for a while! Have a sunny day.
not a sunny day here. just clouds and some water from time to time.
I could use an expert's opinion. If you have the time.
Anyway, it's not ready and I need I need my partner's approval.
you don't need any opinion. It's really good and I think it says something to kids doing Maths.
Thank you for your time and for the comment.
You were not exactly right. I did need an opinion, but mostly I wanted to show it to you. I hope you don't mind. :)
Good night.
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