The traveler's rest
This is my favourite chair and my favourite place on the balcony, with my newest flower (that survives, so far), the place for spending the few sunny hours these days. I could not use the balcony for a few weeks after my cat died, but I went back to using it a few days ago.
And who do you see up on the top of the chair, ready to share my leisure moments? It's Samurai, the traveler, who has just arrived to my house.
As you see, Frodo already said hello. Don't worry, she is only allowed on the balcony when we are there, because of the flowers, so Samurai is safe.He rests for now, but his adventurous travels are not over. He does not know it yet, but he will come with me to Budapest, to see the town for you and write about everything- your own field reporter.
Thank you again.
ok, you can take Samurai to budapest. But, will you take something else I'm sending you tomorrow? It will be my homage to you and to your team.
Anyway, I'm happy you liked it. What about the other things? Wasn't there anything else in the parcel?
I wrote a complete report on the email, a really silly one, you will see. :)It covers pretty much what I found in the parcel, except the postcard from Denmark.
Hey, don't send me anything else, it's your name day very soon and I have nothing for you! :((((
how many teachers in alice will be in Budapest?
Yes, I read the mail. and I'm happy everything is there.
I don't know if Maria Teresa will bring the colleague she worked with. I might have someone else from my school with me, but I am not sure who. I'll tell you when I know.
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