Monday, 25 April 2011
Saturday, 23 April 2011
April 23rd
There are a lot of celebrations today where we live.
It is our Region Day. Celebrations are mainly held in Villalar de los Comuneros, a village in Valladolid, where the rebels from our community were executed in 1521. A sad rebellion! Sad because it was fair and had no good end.
It is also Book Day. This particular year, because of family reasons, I have adopted a kind of combination of Book Day and San Jordi's Day in Catalonia. The tradition there is to give a rose and a book. Here's my breakfast table with roses and books for the ones at home.
In Barcelona there will be a different celebration, I hope.
wishing you a very good day
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Etiquetas: Celebrations
Friday, 22 April 2011
Thursday, 21 April 2011
unexpected views
On Earth Hour evening I could see through some windows. And this is what some people were watching on TV. It was like a strange ghostly image from a house opposite The Walls.
Can you see the wagon with the image? It made part of a religious Easter processions, but it took refuge in El Grande.
Funny advertisement for one of the towns with the best meat in the region. Exotic meat. Pay attention to the huge fried egg. It made us laugh. I hope you also have a smile.
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Etiquetas: Curiosity
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Good practice examples after the first 3 years of eTwinning in Romania- see pages 48-53.
I know it's water under the bridge, but still, maybe you'd be glad to see it.
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Etiquetas: Recognition
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Sunday, 10 April 2011
I have decided to start a new celebration today: the International Brainless Day. A day when I will not use my brain AT ALL. I have worked so much yesterday that today I can afford/I need to do nothing that requires thinking. I'll cook, iron, run, spend time with my family, have a long bath, maybe go to the park. I plan to do it as often as possible, maybe once a week. And, since I'm a generous person, I made it and international holiday, so everyone can celebrate.
The problem is with those who have a IBD every day....
Happy International Brainless Day! Will you celebrate with me? :)
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Etiquetas: smiles
Saturday, 9 April 2011
No hurry, and please don't feel compelled to watch it.
Have a nice evening and a happy Sunday, with no allergy, if possible.
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Etiquetas: work
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
The kids in ATOM are not my best group, but they react wonderfully to this. They enter the TS by themselves all the time and know what is going on there and on the blog, they write to me and ask for tasks details, they even offer me help when we have things to do. I scold them a lot, I am often angry, and still they never miss our extra hour.
Today, I gave them some trifles from Budapest: rulers, stickers, pins, cards, leaflets etc. As I was taking souvenirs out of the bag one by one they said: is there more? you are covering us wit gifts! Does it mean you are happy with our work?
More questions: will we have another project next year too? Could we join even if we are not good in Maths?
My favourite: If our Fibonacci book is published are we real poets now?
And Tania, the Flashmeeting girl, who is a handful, asked me last week: all in all, why are you doing all this with such passion, what's in it for you? It's getting to know them. Maybe it's silly. It's a kind of a turning point, so I tend to think of all these 5 and a half years and get a bit emotional.
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Etiquetas: School life
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Friday, 1 April 2011
Day two
After a short walk, I attended two workshops, one on elearning 2.0, and one on internet safety- both were OK, not amazing, but good.
Then, after lunch, there was the workshop, more time for the exhibition ad dinner.
The place was one for train-lovers: the Hungarian Railroad Museum. The food was the usual "fancy" one, he names of the dishes were bigger than the dish itself. But the wines were very good.Here are some things from the stands, they were not so good this year. I don't have Eleni's, you will have to ask her if you want to see it.
This is just a door I liked. I will visit a bit the town tomorrow, before flying back home.
Good night, it's 2 am here. I hope you are having a nice dream.
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Etiquetas: conference