A variation
Publicity surrounds us everywhere. Not just the trade spots to make us buy , but the big official posters .
This one was created by the Culture Section in the Town Hall in order to announce Gregorian Chant Days .
Very simple, just a replica of a page from one of those old music books where Gregorian chant was written. Real jewels not only because of the music but because of the materials , the drawing and the calligraphy.
A very short line about with the days and the place. So little and so much to say.A more complex one to make citizens aware of the use of yellow bins to recycle only plastic, cans and tetrabriks. An in the middle, a big circle marked SI.
It's more elaborated than the other one. Why?Because it is more urgent? Because it is aimed to people who need more input? Because it is more important? Because the council is more interested in environment than in leisure activities?
I don't know and who can?
1 comment:
Publicity can take different forms, but we're so used to it and most of them are annoying, that we seldom notice the nice ones. Let's look for them.
I don't think I still have the photo. Last year, on our bus stations there were posters with short poems from all over Europe. In the original language and translated. I can't remember the name of the campaign, but I liked reading them.
I'll try to find more good examples.
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