Monday 5 March 2007

Spring in Bucharest

Spring in my town is usually as short as teens love. There's even a joke: we say it comes on a Thursday and lasts for half an hour.
The first to announce it are the magnolias in the Cismigiu Garden, then suddenly weather becomes warm and trees burst into bloom. In no time at all we notice there's shadow on the park alleys because leaves grew already and the chestnut trees on the boulevard near my house have lit their chandeliers.
So we take out from the closet the summer clothes and ask each other nostalgically: "Have you noticed the short spring we had this year?"

1 comment:

caluad said...

Something similar happens in Ávila. We have a long winter with some warmer weeks by the end, a few days spring and then, all of a sudden, summer. And the moment there is a storm in the middle of summer, days are cooler.
Similar weather. I'm waiting for flowers to appear in town.