Tuesday 28 September 2010


Change.org|Start Petition

Saturday 25 September 2010


A doctor was walking in a park and saw one old lady sitting on a bench smoking. He said:
"It's impossible not to notice the happiness on your face. What is your secret?"
She replied:
"I am a teacher, I stay up until 2 am, designing curricula and teaching situations, I wake up at 6 am to arrive on time at work.
I don't practice any sports, have no fun and no social life. At week-ends, I work on to review learning strategies for my students, make assessment, develop teaching materials, and on holidays too, I don't eat breakfast, lunch and dinner because I haven't any time.
I am always stressed because of reforms in education, documentation deadlines and inspectors' visits .
The doctor replied:
"It's amazing! I can not believe. How old are you? "
" 34, "replied the old lady.

Still, after 24 years, I fall in love every autumn. I'm a desperate case, I guess. Any cure for this?

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Old ladies

Old trams out for a walk for Bucharest's Days. Like old ladies bringing colour, memories and nostalgic smiles to the gray streets. The red ones were still in use as we were kids, but I seldom saw them because I used to live in my grandparents' village by then.

This red one-eyed is the oldest, I think. I hardly remember it.

Good-bye, old ladies.


The first touches of the new season are already here, the first red stains to announce a change is coming.

And the first sun of autumn took its travel home.

to disappear, like the summer sun beyond that hill.

Monday 20 September 2010

After the storm

There's been a big storm this evening. It was smaller in Ávila but it was huge in Zorita. When we got there, it was not raining any longer but paths, streams and the river were full with brown water.

When water falls down in such a quantity in a short period of time, roots, branches, pools can be seen everywhere.

Colours change and the moon in the sky looks like laughing. I don't know why, but it looked so to me.

After our storms life is different in the ocuntryside.

Bringing it out

There is a quasi-permanent modern sculpture workshop in our park. This scene was nice to see. It's a mystery for me the way they can see the things hidden in the stone. I am always amazed and muted by this capacity.

Sunday 19 September 2010

a good man

One of the freedom fighters in spain has died today. His music, his love for nature and his region could be models to follow.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Monday 13 September 2010

Blackberry wine

From my balcony. A bad photo and a good thought. Here's to you.

last summer walks

Last lights in my walks. Shocked but decided, scared but on the way. the answer is blowing in the wind.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Portrait of Peace

This is a tale I found today:

There was once a king who offered a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all of the pictures. After much deliberation he was down to the last two. He had to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for the peaceful mountains that towered around it. Overhead, fluffy white clouds floated in a blue sky. Everyone who saw this picture said that it was the perfect picture of peace.

The second picture had mountains too. These mountains were rugged and bare. Above was an angry gray sky from which rain fell. Lightening flashed. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not appear to be a peaceful place at all. But, when the king looked closely, he saw that behind the waterfall was a tiny bush growing in the rock. Inside the bush, a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest. She was the perfect picture of peace.

The king chose the second picture. "Because," he explained, "peace is not only in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace is in the midst of things as they are, when there is calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace."

I hope a sad girl finds the peace in her beautiful heart! I'm sure she will!

Sunday 5 September 2010

Little creatures in the forest

Probably my last photos for a while.

Saturday 4 September 2010

from medieval ávila 3

A moment in the parade where life in a forest is presented with their magical good and bad creatures.

The Three Cultures parade. you might recognize the mayor.

from medieval ávila 2

this is the tent where the archers keep their arches and arrows.

Flower diadems to embelish ladies.

The ancient music workshop. I liked it very much. There is an exhibition of old instruments and you are allowed to play them. The girl's voice is wonderful.

The entrance to the Arab market, full with stalls to have tea, sweets, cous-cous and so on. Different smells for different tastes.

from medieval ávila

Small carriages that have nothing to do with Medieval ages are in el Grande.
However, these scenes with hunting birds show a quite common activity in ancient times. It was really interesting,

Friday 3 September 2010

On an empty beach

Summer is ending. Other seasons will come. Good night.

medieval Ávila once again

The Medieval Market has just started today. I won't have much opportunity to visit it, a short walk this evening when there were not many people.