Sunday 21 September 2008

An old citizen

This "verraco" could be one of the oldest inhabitants in the town. There are several like it in the shadow in parks, gardens. Even in private yards. These stone sculptures are representations of the art of our ancestors: the vettons.
This one has been hidden in a small wood hut in his corner. The palace façade has been on reparations for at least three years. While scafolds and workers were around, the animal kept silence.
But all of a sudden, without any noise our verraco appeared. Now, he has more stories to tell.
Will we be able to hear him?
Welcome home, citizen.


ivasil said...

I am sure it speaks clearly to those willing to hear, but are there many of those?
I remember these statues.Why were they carved: just art,or is there any practical reason, such as fertility or religious purposes?

caluad said...

There are several theories concerning "verracos". According to investigators, as they have been found in pasture lands, they could be a way to mark the limits for owners.
Others say they were used as burying places or as a representation of gods. Nothing is for sure because there is not any written document from the moment, just what Romans wrote about vettons and their culture.
Do you have something similar? I mean, prehistorical or early historical works?

ivasil said...

I was answering you before reading the question. :))
Maybe there are more, I'll look.