Sunday 24 May 2009

Avila- Again and again


caluad said...

You know I'm not form Ávila but I ocnsider myself and adopted daughter because I love this place. I may sometimes feel I need more room, more people, less closeness. but even so, I always come back.
But, in fact, I love every place. I have enjoyed all the visits. Travelling, travelling, travelling. I have never been before in Opole, Bucharest, Rouen or Bari and I find all of them wonderful places to live in.
We are lucky. But, such as our Mayor said, the most important thing is people.
Thank you very much for this present, for all your work and attention to the project and to the poeple in the project.
and never say goodbye.

ivasil said...

I have said thank you many times already. I just hope you know how much this road together meant for me.
And I am always here, as the song says.