Thursday 8 February 2007

A Living Town

I don't think we should walk on our toes around history. Our town is a living being and this mixture of old and new can give it charm and graphicalness.
But the dwellers of Bucharest still recall the old center of the town that was demolished to make room for the "House of People", though it had been part of what had been once called "The Little Paris". Or the historical buildings and old churches thoughtlessly replaced by parking lots, shopping centers or boulevards. They can never be brought back.
These things should never happen, no matter what their "reason" could be.
I think the young people should learn that. What do you think?

1 comment:

caluad said...

Our past can make us wiser,more complete. As the philosopher George Santayana said: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. And art belongs to our past.
However we can't live forever in the past. A respectful and sensible action will help us live in and learn from our cultural heritage.
Our history deserves it and our future depends on us.