Sunday 9 March 2008

New customers at La Casa de Postas

La Casa de Postas was built to provide travellers and their horses with lodgings and food in those old dangerous journeys in Europe. Thye were also used as an exchange place for letters and parcels.
Romans built them at the intersection of the main roads.
But when the Roman Empire disappeared paths and roads became dangerous because of thieves.
The basic structure was a construction around a yard with two different bodies, one for the travellers and the other one for their horses or donkeys.
La Casa de Postas allowed communication among the countries in Europe until the railway era.
This one in Ávila is a replica of an XIX century Casa de Postas. It is opposite The Walls.
Nowadays, it is a restaurant. Threshing machines and straps decorate the entrance.
New customers for an old building.

1 comment:

ivasil said...

I've read about this kind of places for travelers in novels or in tales. I think today's customers feel like they went back in time, even if their horses are horse powers.
It's a nice feeling, like entering a tale. Escaping reality for a short while.
We also have old buildings turned into restaurants.There is one in a wing of the Mogosoaia Palace, for example.