Sunday 26 July 2009

Street theatre festival

This initiative wants to encourage young theatre groups to show their work in the streets and make the amusement something active and collective. It combines a mixture of youth, smiles, music, participation and interaction.

there are three different sceneries in the town. Here, young couples with children, grandparents, very young people dressed in sunny ways get into el Grande and sit on an portable installation for these days.
Actors always require somebody's help and make jokes with them. there is a samll stand with a make-up workshope. children have their faces made-up in a variety of colours and drawings: butterflies, sea-horses, flowers, cars.

And the most important thing, everytbody gets fun under a justice sun.

1 comment:

ivasil said...

There is something similar here these days. I'll show you. Going out for some photos.