Saturday 18 July 2009

Summer in crisis time

Nothing escapes this money crisis time. However and perhaps with more intensity, the usual summer activities are being held in town.
Ávila en Tapas, the Pottery Fair and the Summer Festivals were born to get tourists when beaches start to attract most the people who travel.
Nevertheless, this year nothing has been the same. Ávila en Tapas is a very good opportunity for bars which enter the competition to get more customers. After the week end there were many complains because some bars had not presented any original tapa. They had entered the competition to be part of the list and make business, but they offered tapas they have everyday.
As a matter of fact, what you are looking for is creativity.
The Pottery Fair had less stands and there was not the Pottery workshop for children. The Town Hall usually opened this workshop paying each of the craftmen in the fair to teach people, especially children how to work. At the end, the craftmen complained that people had bought much less.
The Summer Festivals started yesterday in the evening. The chairman of the basketball club: Óbila, was in charge of giving the announcement speech. He said at the end of his words: "Abulenses, forget about money problems, rush into the streets and enjoy".
The concert after the beginning was good and free. But there were not many people. It was a cool summer night.
Not everybody is happy with the activities programme, although there are some curious moments, for example a Reading Workshop in el Rastro. But once again, citizens complain about the lack of variety and the problems with timetables and prices. There two best concerts are the same day the same time.
Even so, I think we will enjoy. I'm thinking about the Reading Workshop, and a Serrat concert, which is not very cheap by the way.


ivasil said...

Even the crisis can be either a stimulus for creativity, or a mindset for complaints, don't you think so? In a perfect world, it would be the first, because the dissatisfaction is supposed to be one of the engines of progress.
What will the Reading Workshop consist of?
I had never heard of Serrat before, but I found some of his songs on YouTube, they are nice.
I hope you enjoy all the activities you take part in! Looking forward to hearing about them!

ivasil said...

I saw your mayor launching something, like a rocket, what was it?
Have a good time!

caluad said...

Yes, that's it, a rocket. It's a tradition to start festivals with a rocket to announce everybody, even the ones far away form the square, the beginning.