Wednesday 26 August 2009


Unlike other years, I have absolutely no apetite for work and for going back to school. Maybe I'm worried of what I will find in the new school, maybe I'm still tired, maybe I'm just lazy. Anyway, I am trying to keep the last holidays moments hold still, cling to every summer memory. Therfore, here are a few more seaside postcards.


caluad said...

No wonder you don't want to go back to school. You still have all the summer moments in your eyes. Keep all these beautiful views with you, they can help you overcome the first contacts at the new school. Perhaps you're also a bit nervous because of the novelty.

ivasil said...

I am getting more and more nervous, but it's OK, I can manage. Wouldn't you be changing school after 20 years? All will be well. I hope.

ivasil said...

In a way, I really look forward to going to school: I have had enough time alone. I really needed it, but now I need to talk to people, not to my cat. She and the camera were my companions this summer, except for the trips.I am ready for more.

caluad said...

I'm sure you have great expectations for the new school and I know you will find new challenges. A change is not bad if you have been looking for something different, and you have.
You will get a collection of fresh moments you will like.
I am not looking forward to starting again. I needed resting so much that I don't know if it has been eough.
Let's hope it has because 1st September is already near.

ivasil said...

Sa fie! Same to you!
Thanks for your answer, I did not expect any.
I have mixed feelings, but I'll try to be cautious and take it one step at a time. And, like you, find a better balance. Work for my classes, adapt and so on. Downshift a bit.
I'm sure you are ready too- you always find resources. They are there, when needed.
Thanks again.

ivasil said...

It seems we'll downshift volens nolens, 'cause all the state employees will be obliged to have a 2 weeks unpayed vacation sometime before November. Beats me how this will be done in the hospitals, for example, but we'll see. And how about the curriculum?We will have to catch up. It will be decided tomorrow or early next week.