Sunday 4 October 2009

Green nevertheless

It is not easy to find traces of the new season at the moment. It is so warm still that the only fallen leaves are the ones that died because of the lack of rain. Nothing to od with the wonderful golden colours you see everywhere else. it's like a curse.

See what I mean, just a taint of autumn. But green nevertheless.
Bafta for Rome


ivasil said...

You will have the golden colours you like, it's Nature's law, so they will come. Don't be impatient, that's my role always. I can send you some of the autumn's "blessings" we already have: cold, rainy days in a row, wind, dark mornings.Want some?
I like green-it means young!
Sa fie! Although now I feel like a sucker for going, and on my expence. But the good news is I finally found a substitute for the days I'm away-it was very hard and only on Friday she said "yes". So, I'll have no reproaches as I come back.

ivasil said...

OH, I enlarged the photo and saw the thing for not jumping down the walls, is it the same?