Friday 28 January 2011

on his way to Bucharest

Of course, nothing to compare with your Frodo. But Samurai is on his way to Bucharest. I hope he can find your house. It is not very demanding. he just stays where you want: on your jacket, on your coat, on your curtains. No problem with him. For a Japanese Samurai cat, born in Ávila and taken to Bucharest, it might be a bit difficult to adapt. Hope you can take care of him too. Have a smile!


ivasil said...

He looks funny but a bit fierce, with his costume and big eyes. No sword, fortunately.
I hope we can communicate because my other cat also had a Japanese name: Tsunami.
I'll take good care of him, I hope he protects me.
Thank you, for the time, the sweet thought and the smile.

caluad said...

so Frodo turned into Tsunami? right. I'm sure they will be good friends.

ivasil said...

Tsunami was the one that died.

caluad said...

Silly ladu I am!

ivasil said...

You are not supposed to know all about my cats!