Thursday 10 March 2011


A writer once said that our autumns were "restfully long" and many of our springs "adorably short". Spring seems to come suddenly this year, sweeping us off our feet, like a "coup de foudre". It will make us dreamy, lazy and frivolous.
Everything feels fragile, inside and outside us, like the snowdrops, like the humble little orchid in my balcony (one of the few plants that survived my gardening skills and the first I brought into this house) who is working hard to surprise us with a bud. We will pretend to be surprised, but I'm watching it closely while holding my breath.
It's Frodo's first spring. It's someone's last- who?


caluad said...

It looks like a yellow carpet. so fresch, so new. Sometimes, seasons in our lives get so quick that events are almost impossible to be felt deeply! Time flows and leaves us behind! Nothing much to worry about, jyust life!
And then, there are other moments when we get great warm words of joy. It was like it this morning after the inspector's visit!

ivasil said...

I'm waiting for news here!