Saturday 16 July 2011

A Reunion

Seven of my former students who had graduated 12 years ago invited me to a small reunion last week. At first I refused, but then one of my favourite students called and said: you have to come and see us, we are so grown up and handsome we can't believe it ourselves, we got flowers for you, or tell us the address and we'll all come over. They had only invited me and their class tutor, but she is retired and was out of town.
So, I went to meet them- and she was right. They were all not just adults, but mature: the way they spoke about their lives, their plans. Successful with their studies, their jobs, most of them married, two even parents. I was proud of them.
I never post personal photos here, but here I am with the girls.It was a very affectionate and touching reunion and after I came home (they drove me because of all those flowers!) I thought I must have done something very good all those years ago. I don't know what, but it sure was something very good.


caluad said...

I'm sure you did many good things then as you do now. what happens is that our students do not show their feelings until they are in a different perspective. but it is really touching to be remembered. After all, our job is not so de-humanized as it looks sometimes.
good for you! just a question, were there only girls? Nice girls, by the way and very nice teacher!

ivasil said...

There were 3 boys too, but this was "girls' photo".
Thanks for the compliment.
I don't think our job is de-humanized, only very "public", a lot of show. One cannot be his/her true self a lot.
What do you mean by de-humanized?
Anyway, it was good to feel I had been useful.