Saturday 5 April 2008

The French Soldier's Statue

There's a special place in Cismigiu that everyone knows and loves: the monument of the French soldier. It is dedicated to the soldiers who died here during the First World War. It stays in the central area of the park, near a group of fir-trees and magnolias. Today, the magnolias had no more flowers, only the read and white Martisor threads were hanging from their branches. But the charm of the statue never fades. And our history is always near us.


caluad said...

Have you noticed that "women""mothers" always accompany these dying or dead bodies?
Is there a reason? do women feel in a different way?
Who's the woman? his mother? his girlfriend? his country? Romania?
Beautiful but sad, these statues always make me sad. sad because of the humankind.
But touching!

ivasil said...

Women symbolize the grief of the ones not directly involved in the conflict, the pain of the civilians, of the collateral victims. The ones that have nothing to gain. Ad women are a good way to embody pain: they are more fragile.
In this, I think she's a symbol of compassion, a Romanian nurse, as far as I get it.
You'll all see this statue very soon.
Do you have monuments that you like in your town?

caluad said...

It's quite difficult to find a special monument I like in Ávila. the whole town has to be considered as a huge monument. A monument ot icvilizations.
In this sense, I'm very fond of the Walls because they are a collective work, built, taken care of and used by people.
There are some individuals' statutues I like. I'll post about them