Sunday 27 April 2008

Water, not flowers.

After a very dry winter with little rain and less snow, spring was expected to be ugly, thirsty.
Gardens in town could not be watered in order to save and fountains were not on.
But, once again, our luck changed. It finally rained!. It was like a dream made true.
Just, in the corner past the Alcázar Gate, this fountain looks gorgeous. She sings a life song that makes these first hot days an adventure.
Water, not flowers are the stars this spring.

1 comment:

ivasil said...

Rain in May is very important for crops. We have a proverb, actually a rhyme: "Ploaie-n mai, avem malai".
Meaning: "Rain in May, we'll have corn flour".
I'll write about how weather predictions were made in the traditional way in a day or two, if I can.