Friday 6 March 2009

8th March. Women's Day

This poster form the Spanish Language Department shows the names of great women writers in spain. Some of them, forgotten just because they were women and others with big success in their careers. But all of them, very interesting.

Look at the lady mathematician, she's just by herself waiting for another colleague to share this moment of fame in our entrance hall.

And our contribution to the exhibition. We named our porject: The Path to Women's Suffrage. We understood the best way to show our respect was remembering the first steps into the right to vote. The Seneca Falls Convention was the beginning. I wanted this poor poster to be my personal homage to these brave women.

Because the path was not easy. Men saw great danger in these suffragists' activities. Their position in osciety was to be different. And so it was!

To get this poster of feminists at the door of a school department where there are three women and two men, anonymous women had to suffer all kind of insults, isolation, pain.
Than you, you gave us the amazing gift of voting.

1 comment:

ivasil said...

Congratulations on the impressive work! You made me curious about this part of the history. I'll try to find out more about it.
Happy Woman's Day!