Saturday 25 September 2010


A doctor was walking in a park and saw one old lady sitting on a bench smoking. He said:
"It's impossible not to notice the happiness on your face. What is your secret?"
She replied:
"I am a teacher, I stay up until 2 am, designing curricula and teaching situations, I wake up at 6 am to arrive on time at work.
I don't practice any sports, have no fun and no social life. At week-ends, I work on to review learning strategies for my students, make assessment, develop teaching materials, and on holidays too, I don't eat breakfast, lunch and dinner because I haven't any time.
I am always stressed because of reforms in education, documentation deadlines and inspectors' visits .
The doctor replied:
"It's amazing! I can not believe. How old are you? "
" 34, "replied the old lady.

Still, after 24 years, I fall in love every autumn. I'm a desperate case, I guess. Any cure for this?


ivasil said...

This is sort of a reaction to our president's TV statement that a teacher earns more than he does, because a teacher works 18 hrs a week, while he works 18 hrs a day. One of our greatest mathematicians, Grigore Moisil, who was a man of strong opinions and strong words, once said, bored by a long useless meeting, that teachers' work should not be measured in bottom-hours, but in brain-hours, and those go on whenever and wherever we are.
Or they should...

caluad said...

It's been a long time since I have not defended our position in the labour world. Teaching positions are there, if people feel they can do it, why don't they try and see?
Our work is envied and hated at the same time. A pure contradiction!

ivasil said...

Maybe because many feel they owe something to the teachers in their life, and people sometimes hate those they feel they should be grateful to. We humans are a knot of contradictions, are we not? :)
Cloudy here, a real autumn day. A nice time to cook, but I have too many things to do besides that. Have a nice week-end.

ivasil said...
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