Friday 10 June 2011


There was a student in ATOM in charge with photos at times when I could not take them. I chose him because he liked photos, he is a bit shy and it seemed a good way to encourage him, and it worked. His photos were very good, he was very proud of them, of the team's appreciation and after each occasion I commented on the photos and had a small prize for him.
He took photos both during our last Flasmeeting (100 of them!) and today, at the parents meeting. But the very last one is a surprise. It's this quote that was left on the board in he room, probably from a graduation ceremony, he must have considered it the best ending.
It says: "Any new beginning coincides with the end of another beginning".
How could I not weep right now?


caluad said...

in fact, it's like an spiral. once it is started, there's no end.
Enjoy these beautiful moments

ivasil said...

I need rest.

ivasil said...

You're seeing things in a Geometrical way! :)

caluad said...

you se, even I learned1 Enjoy your week-end with your family and try to rest.