Monday 15 December 2008

Los Noc-turnos

This is the booklet the Town Hall has created to launch a campaign to prevent young people from driving after drinking.
The message is based on the idea of making "turns" to drive among the friends, so that there is alwyas one whose turn is not to drink and to drive.
The spot plays with the word: nocturnos, meaning somebody or something related to night. If you split the word you have Noc: night and turnos, turns.
It's not a bad idea. One of the major problems with young people nowadays is the amount of alcohol they drink at the week-end. Heavy drinking is already a problem in itself but if it goes together with driving, it can become a tragedy.
It means not only family suffering but society expense. Many of these young people who have accidents get on wheel-chairs forever, and this is something our society can't afford.
It's true we always celebrate events with a toast, but a certain limit should be applied for drivers.
May this campaign be successful, here and everywhere.

1 comment:

ivasil said...

The drinking and driving is a problem not so much for young people, as a general one, here. If one category should be signaled as the most endangered one, it'd be the bikers. They die quite often due to the lack of responsibility of the their traffic partners and their own.
Our Town Hall printed a booklet for students too, these days, called "You are cool (the word is in English)even if you speak correctly". It shows the most frequent mistakes public and famous people do and the correct version. Let's hope both your students and ours will really learn from the booklets!