Sunday 6 September 2009

Not-So Medieval

Festivals are not always conveniently founded. There are elements in the Medieval Market that do not match the times: chocolate, insturments, some clothes, some food. The general atmosphere becomes a fake. It's not a good recreation, just a way to attract tourists and make people buy.
It was not a good start for the one this year because of the intention of some conservative group.
Besides this crisis has also made the market less colourful and visited.
Perhaps the idea is been exploited too much and it needs regeneration.


ivasil said...

This happens because of the commercial side, but I think organizing it without any profit would be impossible. It's the same with the Medieval Festival in Sighisoara. We don't even go anymore. Maybe a new approach is needed.
I had read in your paper about an anti-abortion group wishing to take place, did it?

caluad said...

Sort of. This is the conservative group I was talking about in my entry. although they were not exactly present in the market they had a samll stand in El Grande asking for signatures against the abortion law.
I think they had poisoned the festival from the very beginning.
A new approach, this is what this kind of festivals need. Otherwise, they become a money-maker machine. And they will disappear in the end.

ivasil said...

I sort of guessed this was the group. I saw the comments in the papers, it was quite a controversial issue. I think this has nothing to do with the Medieval Festival, except this is a Medieval attitude. Maybe that was why they were there. It's just a bitter joke.
Yes, such an event needs to be more oriented towards culture and less towards money.