Wednesday 20 January 2010


Going down to school we must waslk past this ruined house. Watching carefully inside one can still feel the inhabitants' presence, their small pieces of furniture, the spaces for rooms. You said once that your new house didn't want you there. Is it true that ruins get soaked with people's trace?
What may Haiti citizens be feeling when watching what remains of their houses?

1 comment:

ivasil said...

I do think that part of the inhabitants' personality is somehow "absorbed" by the house, in time. Maybe even their feelings, likes and dislikes. It flows around like a mist.
We know how the "torn" houses look like. I was only a teenager at the big earthquake in 1977, but I can clearly see the ruined block of flats: they looked as if a huge blade had cut them, as easily as you cut cheese.The open rooms, the personal objects, the hanging sinks were strange: indecent and heartbreaking. A sight that cannot be forgotten. Nature can be cruel.