Thursday 6 May 2010

Quıck view

İ hope insıde weather will improve soon.

Here are only a few quıck views- İ hardly manage to do anythıng on thıs computer- it has Vista onsome wındows are half Turkısh half Romanian ın Blogger-and İ am tıred. Hope you lıke them, even unedıted and chaotıc.
İ really don't know what to get you from here! :(

PS Look at the women wearıng shalvar- two uncovered theır face and let me take a photo- the thırd would not allow it.

1 comment:

caluad said...

Very nice pictures. The two ladies look great and happy and the one at the Viagra Market is funny. I particularly love the one with a horse-shoe arch in a church, I suppose. I understand your difficulties with the computer. Whenever I use one in the computer room at school I get furious. so, it might be worse for you.
Nothing, don't get me nothing. These photos are more than enough.
Enjoy it