Wednesday 5 May 2010

Santa Irene in Constantinopla, today Istambul

This is Hagia Irene church in Constantinopla, today Istambul.
Have a Happy Day


ivasil said...

Thanks for the gıft, İ really apprecıate ıt. Hope you feel a bıt better and thıngs wıll be well really soon. İ've been thınkıng of you two all day long. Don't worry, İ was stıll enjoyıng myself. Have a better day every day.

ivasil said...

Isthe photo yours? We went on a stadıum today, a new one for 40 000 people. We went ınto the VIP lounges and the dressıng-rooms and all- they wrote Strıppıng Room ınstead of Dressıng room. :)
And ın the evenıng we saw a fashıon show wıth outfıts ınspıred by the mosques buılt by archıtect Sınan- another character they worshıp. They were ınterestıng- tradıonal and futurıstıc at the same tıme. Then- lentıls soup! Sleep well. I hope weather got better there.

ivasil said...

Newsflash- a gıft for all state employees- 25% less from our salary starting June 1st. İt's huge.
Now what?

caluad said...

Sorry about this news concerning the salary. It's amazing, state workers always lose.
Outside weather is getting better little by little, but last night we had minus temperatures, so some vegetables, flowers and fruit got frozen. Hope you find good weather when you come back home.