Wednesday 26 May 2010


"Haz de necaz" means "fun about troubles" and it's one of our deepest national features.
As I told you, it was gloomy today in the Staff room. The administration tried to help by playing relaxing music at the school radio station, but we did not appreciate it. We sat around the big table during break, and all people would talk about was the strike and how can we cope. There are many teachers whose spouses are state workers too- it's awful for them. Besides,during the strike we won't be payed.
At that point, an older man cut in: this is too much! And he said an anecdote, then I told one and someone else...It was a bit better- if only for a few moments. Here is his- in a very bad translation, because it's a word game, so it's untranslatable:
Care sunt ultimele doua specii dispărute de la noi ? Răspuns: râsul şi elanul.
Which are the latest two extinct species in our country? Answer: the lynx ("râs" also means "laughter") and the elk ("elan" also means "enthusiasm"). Just the typical kind of joke: short and bitter.


caluad said...

We may not lack enthusiam, laughter will be more difficult to get.

ivasil said...

No "elk" in me right now. But we will survive. No other choice.

caluad said...

"elk" may need some care, as any living being.

ivasil said...

Or some CPR.

ivasil said...
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caluad said...

I understand what you meant. Easy measures instead of trying to find out a real durable solution. Not good examples for educaiton, which is our field, right?

ivasil said...
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ivasil said...
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caluad said...

Don't despair!

ivasil said...

How could I not? Chasing something that does not exist.

caluad said...

Is there any problem ?

ivasil said...

After a night of pounding headache, I got up, turned on the TV and freaked out hearing the news.
A long day and a parents meeting ahead, to discuss class problems and announce bad marks in behaviour.
Can we "log out" from this reality, at least for a while?
All my teeth hurt from the headache- this is after the painkiller.
Somebody abroad told me yesterday that Romanian are considered eternal complainers! :)