Saturday 16 April 2011


Good practice examples after the first 3 years of eTwinning in Romania- see pages 48-53.
I know it's water under the bridge, but still, maybe you'd be glad to see it.


caluad said...

Yes, it's been very nice having PLI in Good Practices. And better late than never.
Most probably you were one of the first teachers working in etwinning in Romania. So, my congratulations.
I hope you are already enjoying holidays. I am. The weather is bit changeable. It has turned a bit colder and windier, but anyway i have been walking in the morning and in the evening.
Enjoy these days.

ivasil said...

We started the holidays with doctors again, but maybe the weather will be better tomorrow and we can have even a short walk.
Have fun!

caluad said...

I hope you don't have mayor health problems at home. Take care the two of you!

ivasil said...

It's tiring, this constant worry.