Tuesday 17 November 2009


There is a general strike at the subway these days. The stops are closed every day from 5 am to 4 pm. Considering that 600 000 people use the subway daily, you can imagine it was not very convenient.
The buses were overcrowded, then they stopped coming at all. The drivers got mad, the traffic was a mess. The people's reactions were diverse. Some remembered the old days when traveling on the step of the bus, hanging by one hand, was a daily routine. Some rejoyced because they lived in a neighborhood out of the subway circuit anyway. Some were amazed to discover the pleasures of walking, while others lamented our addiction to the comfort of the civilized world. At 4 pm, we were back in the world as we know it.
All will start again tomorrow. Some will already have adapted to this- we can get used to pretty much anything. Any lesson learnt?


caluad said...

trainers are better than high-heel shoes to rush home after work

ivasil said...

Right you are!
Easy for you to say, you are close from every place in your town! I'm joking!

caluad said...

I meant this is the lesson to learn. And of course, i was also joking. I know it must be despairing to feel you can't do whatever you want.
Be brave. Byt the way, Luis applied for the camp.

ivasil said...

I had understood you. I will not take long, unlike a strike in schools, this is s serious matter, to be solved quickly. I am guessing: 2 more days.

I hope he gets it! There was nobody from Spain as I was there. I cannot apply for the Advanced yet, and I doubt I ever will, the activities look really scary!!