Tuesday 23 February 2010

A journey

It's interesting. I had forgotten to finish this post. The real experience is not the video in itself, it's the situation I took the photos in. I went shooting the town, you know I love this activity, with students. It was an activity for the Contemporary Architecture project. I was working with the weakest students in the classroom and it was amazing the amount of work they did and the good results. These photos are mine, but when they do their ppts I'll also publish them, because I've seen some of them and they are really good. They perfectly got the aim of the photos and their walk into the Mysticism was something new for them. they read, answered my questions, thought, compared. In Spanish, of ocurs,e it is impossible for them to use english in an immediate situation. But it was a kind of MI practical experience.


ivasil said...

I wish I saw this while I was there. I know the building.
I expected it was this, the experience, I read your forum post in the learninglab.
It's a similar thing to the girl filming the bees, at the bee museum. All in all, each student has a skill, it's the teacher's skill to find it. It seems you did.

caluad said...

I'm not so sure I did. I found a way for one day to get them interested and perhaps, only perhaps they also adquired a bit of knowledge. Although I understand the concepts they were dealing with were really difficult. It required a great concentration. I let you know about the results.

ivasil said...
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