Tuesday 16 February 2010

St. Valentine at school

Students in 1st Bachillerato go on a trip together before entering the last year at school. In order to raise money they sell lottery at Christmas, have parties at discos and sell flowers for Saint Valentine. Carnations are always the same colours. White for friendship, pink for secret love and red for passion. You pay one euro for each you want to send your mates. Write a small note and put it in an envelope. Then on 14th February, a group of the students from 1st Bachillerato goes from one place to another in the school looking for the people the carnations have been sent to.
I got two white carnations this year. One form the headmaster thanking me for the services and recognising the work I do for the school and another one form Choni, thanking me for the new possibilities I have shown her to teach history through projects. I had sent carnations to everybody the first year in the project.
It was a nice feeling, getting them in the department. Nobody else got any, it was a bit embarrasing.Oh!, yes, our hardworking conversation assistant got a pink one. But he was not there, he had started a week vacation.


ivasil said...

It's a very nice school tradition. I'm happy for you. But I wonder who is secretly in love with your poor overworked assistant? I hope he comes back to school rested!
I am preparing "mărţişoare" (plural form of mărţişor-mărţişoare), for all the girls in my tutor class (I have 11 girls and 16 boys) and I hope snowdrops will be out by March 8th because I want to buy some and have the boys give them to the girls. They have a lot to learn about how to behave with girls, and I intend to work on it! But until then, I have to solve a mobile phone theft tomorrow and I have no clue.
It's a nice post, thanks!
PS How nice of Jose Luis!

caluad said...

Can I suggest something in case snowdrops are not out? You could get pieces of cloth, draw petals and make the boys offer the girls small bags with petals.
No suggestion for the phone theft. I'm at a lost there.
You wouldn't believe it, but since my Last Call mail for my future partners, I got three mails this morning. so, here I am with the application in a hurry.
Cross your fingers for me.

ivasil said...


caluad said...

right, you told me. I'm still afraid we won't be on time! I may have to go to Madrid to take our application

ivasil said...

That's not a big problem. But now, you know you can expect this for some other times, think of what worked, because you might have to use the method again. I'm not mean, sorry if I seem so. Just realistic.
I'll cross my fingers, of course. Even if...OK, you know. Bafta!

ivasil said...

Thanks for the petals suggestion, but it's too difficult for me. I'm clumsy.

ivasil said...
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ivasil said...

I have little hope for our KA3 project about informal teaching of ICT. Th one in which our kids would teach old people and kids from a orphanage. I love the idea, but the application is very complicated, the coordinator seems overwhelmed and I was told the KA3 grants are scarce. We'll see. Have a nice day.