Monday 18 October 2010

Under the rain

The photo looks brighter than it really was because it's edited, we had a rainy dark day. This is part of what I see from my balcony. A deserted resting place under a wet bush, a rusty vine and a last dying rose. A few years ago, there was an apple-tree there too. By this time, it was full of small yellow apples. I have no idea how they tasted. It made me very sad to see nobody picked them and they slowly rotted, I imagined how useless it felt. Still, it took the trouble to fructify year after year. I wonder why they cut it, it did no harm.


caluad said...

sometimes, as children we have a different view of what surrounds us. Even, the most simple things have another meaning.And when we try to capture those feelings again, it's just impossible. things are never where they used to be.
Nevertheless, your corner looks cozy. A hiding corner.

ivasil said...

You're right. That's why people you shared your childhood with are precious- family, old friends. When you lost them, your feel your pockets are full of worthless coins.