Friday 12 November 2010

some mornings

yesterday morning, when I was coming down to school, I faced this grey un-light. It was like a smoky blanket between the sky and the mountains. It felt cold and mysterious. I wouldn't say beautiful but appealing, like a whisper calling you to enter and forget. Less than foggy but more than cloudy, that area seemed to be dwelling a different world. Then, it was the lessons and the wonder disappeared.

1 comment:

ivasil said...

It's scary and yet intriguing, but I'd not enter it. It would seem like going to the other side. I don't want to forget yet. In fact, forgetting sort of scares me, it brings the loss of one's identity.
Yesterday, a quote struck me, I think it was title of a play, but I was in a hurry and missed the context. Something like: Hell is remembrance without the possibility of change.
Anyway, there is light beyond the grey, look for it!
Strange how 2 letters like "UN" can turn the meaning around, like a black hole, like a minus turning a number into its opposite: un-light, un-words, un-friend.