Wednesday 3 November 2010

A teacher

An old writer is coming tomorrow to our school to present his newest book, and it's a special moment for me because he was my Literature teacher in the 11th grade. By then, I sort of considered being a Math teacher already, but that year I only went to literature contests, due to him. Believe it or not, I went as far as the national phase and even got a prize there. But it was all due to the classes he taught- the the most captivating ones I was ever in. I was lucky to have lots of good teachers, but thinking back, he had this real way of guiding us without us knowing, of facilitating our own travel to our own knowledge.
Anyway, he's in his eighties and he certainly does not remember me after 30 years, but I expect it will be a very emotional moment for me.


caluad said...

I envy you! You will be very lucky and happy tomorrow to meet your old teacher. Enjoy the day!

ivasil said...

I expected right. I wept all the way back from school.

caluad said...

good girl. good teachers deserve some tears. But even so, you were brave, you didn't weep at school. Was it interesting? How did the pupils react? Did they know he was your former teacher? Did he recognize you?
Too many questions. almost a police investigation.

ivasil said...

He did not recognize me. I did not expect, after 30 years. The teacher who invited him told everyone I was a former student of his.
The pupils were interested, because very popular movies were made after his books. By the way, the Math teacher is sort of a negative-ridiculous character, and her nickname is Isosceles. By the end of the movie, she proves to be human after all, with a repressed sensitivity.:)
He is still an elegant appearance, both visually and in his speech, with the same romantic ideas. For a while, I thought how lucky we are to teach, then how hard this job is if you put your heart into it, then- is it worth it? what are you left with? When you close the door behind you, everything changes. Silly.