Saturday 3 April 2010

Behind the glass

No Toledo for us today, family reasons. And it's been an uncommon spring day. Pouring cats and dogs, cold and grey. I suppose weather is not to be blamed of chaos on roads, traffic accidents, depressions and so on. Bujt it is really difficult to cope with so many changes in the same week. Evolution must go on so that we can survive these shifts.
I hope you are not feeling worried for your son's journey.


ivasil said...

Sunny an cool here, maybe we can go out for a walk tomorrow. Sorry for Toledo. The weather is not the source of our other nuisances, but a big addition to them.
The photos are very clearly showing the day you had, but Weas seems OK, nevertheless. He's sweet.
Give him a hug from me, will you?

ivasil said...

My sin is fine, he called. Of course I worry, but so far so good. Thanks.

caluad said...

Are sons sins? Is this a way to start celebrating your silver anniversary? Just a morning joke.

ivasil said...

Well, you do have to sin, to have a son, don't you?
He's not a sin, but sometimes he was a punishment for my sins. :)
I wrote the message after tasting the wine last night at midnight. It's obvious, is it not?
Going to the park, have a good day!