Thursday 24 February 2011


For anyone who has been in school in Romania anytime during the last 50 years, "Gheba" means "Maths book", although in fact it's a surname. The name of the author of the most widespread and well-known (and I dare say one of the best) exercise books. It's a plural because he started publishing Maths books in 1958 and now, as he's 91, he is publishing his 34th, and the first he has not "tested" on his own students. Six million copies, if numbers can speak by themselves.
Grigore Gheba's life was changed by a Math book too, a book called "1001 Maths problems", that he loved so much he knew by heart before he was 12.
I am sure his books changed some lives too, maybe more than he will ever know.


ivasil said...

I think I'll post this on ATOM too.

caluad said...

Yes, please do. We could even start something like "The Maths we did". Isn't there a section for the Maths Library? it oculd be the perfect Place for our ancient books to Live In.

ivasil said...

Yes, there is a section for Math Library, and I posted it there.
By the way, I was invited to attend this:
That is, to contribute to a a workshop, not just watch. :)

caluad said...

hey! Great! Congratulations again!

ivasil said...

Thank you- again! :)