Sunday 20 February 2011



ivasil said...

You are something! How did you do that so fast?
I have to say two things: first- I promise I will take that with me to Budapest.
Second- I feel really sad because I can't actually make something for you too. I keep thinking what to do but I am really clumsy....:(

caluad said...

It's, once again, a collaborative task. Ricardo helped me. We tood the photo and printed it on a photo paper. Then, we ironed it on a piece of cloth and, with a few stitches the identification for the suitcase was finished.
I'm glad you are taking this suitcase to Budapest.
Don't worry about doing anything for me. I haven't been awarded yet. Let's wait until that moment.
Now, enjoy it.

ivasil said...

Really- regular photo paper? I wonder what is the explanation- I must ask my son.
Please thank Ricardo for his time, will you?
Somehow I feel that of all the people who congratulated me for the prize, you were the one who was really happy for me.
The award is partly a matter of luck, I'd love to be able to make something for you, regardless of that. But it will not involve needles and threads- the only 4 I ever got in school was for sewing: buttonholes. Never tried doing that again.
Sleep well and... thank you.

caluad said...

Not regular paper. It has to be Gossy Paper: instant drying, shiny photographic paper.
Good mark for a future Mathematician. I must sya I can't sew buttonholes. I just play with embroidery.
Have a good day

ivasil said...

When you are 11 years old and you tell your mum you got a 4 in a supposedly easy subject, adding that 4 is an interesting number (not that it crossed my mind by then) will not help. At all! :)
Have an easy day. I hear it's not cold in Madrid. :)

caluad said...

I gave you a whole definition of the paper, but I forgot the magic word: Transfer Paper.
Not very cold here either, although colder than in Madrid

ivasil said...

I love definitions for breakfast! :)