Monday 24 November 2008

Bucharest, Strictly Secret

Each Thursday, during seven weeks,a newspaper calls its readers to discover the mysteries of Bucharest offering the documentary series Bucharest Strictly Secret: 7 DVD's (4 or 5 episodes, grouped by the subject). The series is made by a writer and a TV company.
Each DVD is accompanied by a booklet of 32 pages with related stories.
Far from the banality of our every-day life, you can get acquainted with the very substance of Bucharest, often forgotten and ignored, with secrets, scenarios, with fabulous characters - from poets and dangerous women, rulers and adventurers, brave merchants, kings and losers, nuts and geniuses, Boyars and shopkeepers, dictators and artists, with the ordeals they have been through - earthquakes, foreign invasion, epidemics and fires, but also with the moments of brilliance and celebration.
Readers can find in it a new profile of Bucharest, refugees and the city's places of respite, impressions taken through the eyes of foreigners, the most beautiful views , but also stories about prisoners of the traffic or the reasons for those who want to leave it.


caluad said...

Do you mean, the material is given free?
It's a good idea. Sometimes we get old photos or even small books from the newspapers. And there was a very collection on ancient scenes in the villages.
Unfortunately, not everybody understands the main objective of these donations: getting knowledge. Some people are alergic to knowledge. But opportunities must be given so that those who want, can profit from them.
Congratulations for the iniciative.

ivasil said...

No, it's not free, it's sold with the newspaper, but for a tiny price.
I bought the DVD's, too, but had no time to see any so far.
That's right, many are allergic to knowledge and to learning, and those who learn are seen that freaks. They even deserve a punishment.
But that's a whole other story.