Thursday 6 November 2008

A cold sunny evening walk

On a sunny evening, even if it is a bit cold, one of the nicest walks you can have in Ávila is going to Naturávila. Naturávila is an integral leisure resort. There are lots of activities to do, both for adults and kids: horse riding, golf, tennis, spa and so on.
But before you get there, you can also exercise. It's an hour walk more or less and once you leave Ávila and take the path by the road, the fields surround you and the mountains watch you from the horizon.

After crossing this stream you have already done half the walk.

And the sun hiding behind Ávila Mountain Range takes you home.

1 comment:

ivasil said...

Will this great place be included in the schedule of the/our last visit to Spain?
Anyway, the stream is very inviting and the sunset in the last photo is beautiful.