Thursday, 18 March 2010

Pi Day coming

We are making the last preparations for the Pi Day activity. I am not sure you'll enjoy hearing about it, but it might be nice, because it will have both serious activities, like presentations, measuring and calculating activities and animations such as this, and less serious ones like movies (I like this one, but there are more), games, contests, for example we'll try to write "piems"- poems with words having as many letters as each Pi digit. I'll tell you more after it happens. I hope the kids like it as much as Lunar Nautics- they all complained it was too short. Next year, we might have a whole-day NASA activity.


caluad said...

I find it really interesting and I wonder why it is not celebrated in our school. I might propose it for next year, for the bilingual section. In fact we had planned special days to celebrate Einstein or Edison.
Good ideas. I hope it is relaly educational and funny.

ivasil said...

Thanks. In fact, it's Einstein's birthday, too. And there are tons of things to do about it!
I'm searching for a suitable template for a department web-page. I am not sure yet all my colleagues will agree having one, but the head of department will. I'll try to get the headmaster's support, too.